Friday, January 18, 2013

White House Shoots Down Death Star Hopes

Since the White House has pledged to respond to any petition that gets 25,000 signatures in 30 days, they were forced to give a response to one that got over 30,000. A petition to build the iconic battle station the "Death Star" from the movie Star Wars by 2016.

Keeping true to their promise, the White house issued a statement and basically said that they would not have enough money in their budget to even think about this idea. It has been estimated to cost about $850 QUADRILLION US dollars, which is $850,000,000,000,000,000.

In addition to the cost, the fact that the United States is not interested in blowing up planets and the fact that it can be taken out by a single X-Wing fighter ship was brought up.

It was cool to see the White House actually respond to this petition, even if it was ridiculous. Also, the fact that they had fun with it by bringing up how it can be taken out by an X-Wing fighter ship was pretty funny as well, I thought. 

The White House also tried to calm the mind of the Death Star petition signers, by telling them that we already live in the future! With a $100 million (what a deal!) orbiting space station, among other things. But all this story does is make me wonder what other kind of petitions people are going to come up with in the future... the petition to build the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek is already at 5,973 signatures.

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